Set amidst the backdrop of New York city lights, the Just Leadership Gala welcomed and recognized advocates who are redefining justice at their annual event. Amidst the recognition, SaulPaul shared his art and heart to a room full of advocates and awardees from across the country. Among those honored at the event, Just Leadership celebrated Legends Award winner and Nike Jordan chairman, Larry Miller along with television writer, TracyMcMillan, creator of Unprisoned with the Redefining Justice Award for her work. The evening ended with an encouragement to continue the work to amplify the voices of those who are on the front lines.
About Just Leadership
Just Leadership was founded on the principle that the people closest to the problem are the people closest to the solution, but furthest from resources and power. For JLUSA, “the people” are the over 70 million who have been through this country’s criminal legal system. They amplify the power of people who have been directly impacted by the criminal legal system to self-organize and empower their communities to dismantle racist and oppressive systems in their communities to build a just U.S.